Invitation au voyage 1982

Musical Drama Fantasy Mystery

Young lovers ask, "What would you do if I died?" In this case, the young lovers are twins, Nina and Lucien, brother and sister. He answers, "I'll make you live again." Then, in an accident,...

Alle Titel
  • FR: Invitation au voyage Invitation au voyage
  • IT: Invito al viaggio Invito al viaggio
  • PL: Zaproszenie do podrózy Zaproszenie do podrózy
  • PT: Convite Para Viagem Convite Para Viagem
  • TR: Seyahate Davet Seyahate Davet
  • FR: Einladung zu einer Reise Einladung zu einer Reise
  • FR: Nina Nina
  • FR: Invitation to Travel Invitation to Travel
Release 05 Jun 1982
Links IMDb
