Yoyo & Nene - Die magischen Schwestern 2013

Animation Adventure Fantasy

This is a thrilling, magical and colorful movie about the adventures of two witches who embark on an adventure to save our world from dark magic, also known as curses.

Alle Titel
  • JP: Majokko shimai no Yoyo to Nene Majokko shimai no Yoyo to Nene
  • BR: As Irmãs Mágicas Yoyo & Nene As Irmãs Mágicas Yoyo & Nene
  • RU: Сёстры-колдуньи Йойо и Нэнэ Сёстры-колдуньи Йойо и Нэнэ
  • UA: Magical Sisters Yoyo and Nene Magical Sisters Yoyo and Nene
Release 28 Dec 2013
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