Merrie Melodies: Starring Bugs Bunny and Friends

Animation Family Comedy

In celebration of Bugs Bunny's fiftieth birthday, this television series, broadcast on weekdays, consisted of classic cartoons featuring Bugs Bunny and other characters conceived by the talented animators at Warner Brothers' carto...

Alle Titel
  • US: Merrie Melodies: Starring Bugs Bunny and Friends Merrie Melodies: Starring Bugs Bunny and Friends
  • PL: Zwariowane Melodie Zwariowane Melodie
  • RO: Merrie Melodies Show Merrie Melodies Show
  • RU: Мелодии Мэрри: Багс Банни и друзья Мелодии Мэрри: Багс Банни и друзья
  • US: Merrie Melodies: Starring Bugs Bunny and Friends Merrie Melodies: Starring Bugs Bunny and Friends
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Merrie Melodies: Starring Bugs Bunny and Friends